About Us
provider of fact-based information about water scarcity issues, bottled water, and the importance of
healthy hydration
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Who We Are
HydrateTheStates.org is an online resource developed by the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) to offer reliable,
fact-based information about water scarcity issues, bottled water, and the importance of healthy hydration.
Why “Hydrate The States” Was Created
The internet provides information and data at your fingertips 24/7. However, because a lot of misinformation exists “out there,” you need to be sure that the knowledge you are gaining is accurate and from a reliable source — especially when you are discussing an important issue like water scarcity. This site is fact-based — so you can trust the information you find here to be accurate.
Water Source Management
Bottled water companies work to ensure the availability of healthy hydration products and the sustainable management of water
Healthy Hydration
Americans have made bottled water their No.1 packaged beverage choice
Emergency Response
Bottled water provides clean, safe water for citizens and first responders during and after a natural disaster/catastrophic event
Social Media Graphics
Shareable images that help tell the story of bottled water’s minimal water use
Bottled Water’s Vital Role During Emergencies
Bottled water plays a vital role in the lead up to and recovery from disasters and other emergencies. This video reminds people to take a moment to reassess their risks and update hurricane kits and emergency plans. Being prepared in advance of a threat means stocking up on emergency supplies such as non-perishable food, drinking water, batteries, etc., in sufficient quantities to last at least 72 hours. In fact, FEMA advises that the safest, most reliable emergency drinking water is commercially purchased bottled water and recommends at least 1 gallon per person per day, for at least three days.